JUSTHREE BRASS (Jack Graber, trumpet; David Schultz, horn; Mark Lammers, trombone), in collaboration with David Fienen, organ/piano, will present a concert of music from the 17th, 18th, and 20th centuries at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter, MN on Sunday, March 10, at 4pm. Featuring Récréation, a three-movement work by Pierre Gabaye (1930-2000) for brass trio and piano, the concert will also include two 20th century suites for brass trio, works for brass and organ by Campra, Marcello, Karg-Elert, and Bach, as well as organ solos by J.S. Bach and Gerald Near. All of the performers have connections to Gustavus Adolphus College, either as an alum or former faculty. This concert is sponsored by the Agnes Holmberg endowment. A free will offering will be received to benefit the St. Peter Area Foodshelf. A reception will follow in the church's new Gathering Space.
The group will also perform the same program on Sunday, March 3, at 3pm at The Congregational Church UCC in Rochester, MN (974 Skyline Drive SW, Rochester), on their 2012-2013 Concert Series: ALL THAT BRASS!
The group will also perform the same program on Sunday, March 3, at 3pm at The Congregational Church UCC in Rochester, MN (974 Skyline Drive SW, Rochester), on their 2012-2013 Concert Series: ALL THAT BRASS!